Teaching Topics

It is the mission of One Thing Only to inspire and aid you as you endeavor to “sit at the feet of Jesus.”  We seek to do this by sharing our gifts and passion of bringing a Biblical perspective to life and encouraging and teaching you in your walk with God.

We have been teaching the Bible and related information for many years.  We are willing and able to research and teach to your particular need and/or interest.  Here are several topics/studies that we have already prepared and taught. These can be taught in the setting that best fits the needs of your small group or organization.  Contact Angie at angief@onethingonly.org  for more information and to make arrangements for you or your group.  We would love to share with you!


Getting started as a Disciple – We usually do this study either one-on-one or couple-to-couple or in very small groups.  We spend time together looking at and practicing what the Bible says are the basics involved in walking with Christ daily and getting to know God and His Word.

Grace, It Really is Amazing! – A Bible study exploring and discussing God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense and what it means to live in that daily.

Verse by verse Bible Study –  Some of our favorite books are John, Romans, Hebrews, Genesis, Galatians, Ephesians.  We will teach whatever book you want to study!

Experiencing Peace/ Keeping Focus  – A Bible study where we explore the Biblical concept of Peace and learn the keys to experiencing it in our daily life.

Embracing Change – A Bible study of the concepts and practices involved in thriving during change.

Growing in God’s Word – A course that teaches “how to” tips for exploring, studying, and growing in familiarity with the Bible…being “transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

HIStory Through the Eyes of Faith – An Overview of History integrating the secular and Christian perspectives to discern God’s story.   We start with Creation and continue chronologically to modern times. This class is broken into segments, each of which can be taught weekly or in a weekend setting.  Also presented in our podcast.  Check out the details here https://www.onethingonly.org/history-the-class/

Parenting, Grandparenting, and/or Mentoring with Jesus – A course that uses Bible Study and life experience to explore the principles involved in influencing others for Christ.

Homeschooling – A look at the philosophy and theology of education as well as practical homeschooling “how to” applications.


  • Weekend Retreat
  • Full day seminar
  •  weekly meetings
  • An introductory overview and discussion as a one-time event.

One Thing Only Ministry is a 501c3 organization.  All donations are tax deductible.  Our Ministry is funded by the faithful support of our Giving Team Members and one time donations.