Recommended Reading

Each of the books below has come to have an impact on our faith life. You will be blessed and challenged by reading and studying any or all of them! – Angie & Tim

Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges – The first time I read this book was over 20 years ago.  I have taught it several times and refer to it regularly in my own personal walk with Christ as well as when I share with others.  It has been republished and continues to help us understand Grace and be challenged to truly live in it.

Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund – This book has been transformative in our lives over the last year enabling us to see the heart of Christ and his steadfast mercy for sinners and sufferers.  We will be reading and teaching this for many years to come.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero – This book addresses the issue of our inability to be spiritually mature if we are not emotionally mature.  It challenge us to let Jesus speak to our emotions, and gives specific tools for doing so. I have found myself using some of the concepts and disciplines taught here over and over again.

Thirty-One Days of Praise by Ruth Myers – In this excellent guide to praise through prayer Ruth Myers streams Bible verses and passages together to lead you as you learn to Praise God.  You must give it a try. “Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving and into His Courts with Praise!”

Is God Really in Control? Trusting God in a World of Hurt by Jerry Bridges – Once again this is a book by Jerry Bridges to which I refer again and again.  It is an excellent Biblical look at God’s Sovereignty.  The topic is difficult, but the Biblical information shared here is something we all need to know and struggle with.