Taking in God’s Word daily is an awesome and life changing choice!
Choose the reading plan that best fits you and your pace. Print it out, put it in your Bible, and commit to reading daily. These plans are numbered, not dated, so you can start today! Contact us if you want to discuss how to decide which plan is best suited for you.
The Blended Plan-https://www.blueletterbible.org/assets/pdf/dbrp/1Yr_BlendedPlan.pdf t
The OT & NT together Plan –https://www.blueletterbible.org/assets/pdf/dbrp/1Yr_OTNTPlan.pdf
The Canonical Plan – https://www.blueletterbible.org/assets/pdf/dbrp/1Yr_CanonicalPlan.pdf
The Chronological Plan –https://www.blueletterbible.org/assets/pdf/dbrp/1Yr_ChronologicalPlan.pdf
The Historical Plan –
The 2-year Plan-